Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to Blogging


After a very hectic last month, I decided (with some encouragement) to get back to blogging. So here a short, but heartfelt 7 best things of the week...


Trip to the Farmer's Market

Oh how I love the farmer's market. So many delicious and tasty treasures to enjoy. I'm most excited this week about the plum-colored bell peppers! I have no idea what those taste like, but I'm going to find out tomorrow.


Busy week month at work. The more I try to do for God (I work in ministry), the more challenging things seems to be. Or perhaps it just has been one of those weeks (...I mean months), but I am focusing on being faithful to God's mission through the work I do at Church and trying to not let me spiritual gaze go astray. 


All or nothing mentality. That is often how I view food, healthy, workout, faith, relationships....basically everything. I realize that is probably unhealthy and is related somehow to how I was raised. However,  God has revealed a lot to me as I have been doing a lot of internal "repair work" and this one of the things He continues to bring forward in my prayer life. So basically, this "all or nothing" approach to life is something I want to try and work on. Perhaps being more flexible with judgement on myself and others. Also, with my approach to health and eating. If I have a poor "eating day" then I give up by lunch and don't consider the repercussions of my later decisions. I guess i'm just realizing I have more control over my emotions and rest of the day then I "feel" like.

 This week, Lord help me to depend more fully on your and not give up on myself when I hit a bump in the road.  


Devon's Birthday Dinner

We had a delicious dinner at BLT Steak for Devon's birthday, which was fortunate for us also Restaurant Week. Restaurant week is when a huge list of upscale restaurants in Charlotte offer an appetizer, main course, and dessert for $30. We spoiled ourselves (and the birthday girl) with amazingly crafted rolls, hand-churned butter, and an amazing steak- all while enjoying the lovely atmosphere. I can't wait until the next restaurant week in January, which also is the same week of my birthday...who-hoo!


My video choice of the week....Oh Mark Hart, how we love you!


"Hope. It is the only thing greater than fear."


1 comment:

  1. Your shopping looks delicious! Are these purple peppers new(ish)? I never saw them till a few years ago.
