Tuesday, July 3, 2012

51 Rules: Week #1

So as a part of my journey to better eating, I have started reading Just the Rules By Tosca Reno. She reviews 51 essentials rules to eating clean. My goal is to gradually incorporate them into my daily lifestyle.

Here are my goals for week one (I tried to stick with some of the "bigger picture" rules that I think are more foundational to healthy eating).

#1) CC + LP Seating in a tree!

Ok, I'm sure your like, "what?" However, Tosca does a great job in the book explaining that Complex Carbs (oats, brown rice, whole grain breads, fruits and vegetables) go together with Lean Proteins (lean red meat, white fish, legumes, nuts and nut butters) like "K-I-S-S-I-N-G"!

Anyways, the play on words will hopefully help me remember to eat 5-6 times a day and include CC+LP at each sit down.

#2) Cut out the sugar!!

Sugar is everywhere and I will be the first to admit how much I love it!

One of the resources in Tosca's book is: NancyAppleton.com & the following video:

#3) Set a goal.

This was actually pretty hard even though it isn't something I need to implement right away.

First, I plan to go on a personal pilgrimage sometime in September (more details to come). 

Next, KT and myself are going to start training for a 5K at the end of July (this was not my idea!) However, that means we are going to look for a 5K to participate in sometime after October 1st...ugh!

Finally, my long term-ish goal is to eat "healthy" for 6 months and enjoy the results of my clothes fitting better, feeling better about my physique and hopefully celebrating with some shopping!

Ok, so here goes...

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